While I was gone I did finish the term I was at college and am happy to say that I made a 4.0 in both "Digital Tools for the twentieth century" and in "Arts and Humanities for the twentieth century and beyond." I now have 4 ten week terms, of two classes each, to complete and I will be done with my degree! Fortunately, I have learned in the last year and a half that when life throws you a curve ball don't be afraid to change the name of the game. So it was easier on me to find something else to do and take advantage of the time I was laid up, than it would have been a few years ago.
What's that?
You want to know what kept me away?
Well...In a nut shell I spent some time at our beloved hospital for an allergy related asthma attack, mother nature decided to stir things up with a freakishly rare earthquake {in which my legs decided that it would be fun to ride the staircase in a weird position enduring one of the aftershocks} followed by stormy Hurricane Irene, both causing temporary interruptions in internet signal. So when I finally did get back online I was a week behind, finals due at the end of week 9 and we were already on week 7.
So I had two weeks to catch up, complete the currently due class work and finish both final projects, without getting any further behind. I could have taken an extension but would have lost my perfect 4.0 for doing it. So working from home was put on hold till further notice.
There were some benefits to being offline!! I got to spend quality time with a dear friend, who stayed with me while I recovered, finally got started on sorting through the many boxes I had moved from storage in June (I could do that from bed) read a book I have been wanting to read and learned that I can get the same amount of work done in half the time if I really apply myself.
All these events reminded me that life can change at a moments notice, so I should stop putting off till tomorrow what I can do today. Also I now have one more reason to continue Working from Home: I can take as much time off as I need without being fired & in this case, I still earned a paycheck even though I wasn't "working."