In January national girl child day is the 24th- mother, daughter, sister, wife, and many more, she plays several roles through her life in the palm of her hand is your future running through it, us, prevent suppression of the girl child.
February world day of social justice- we cannot expect to have peace and stability in a society that has a large gap be it between the poor and rich or between a girl and a boy
Let us join together to eliminate social injustice and the discrimination against the girl child.
March 8th: Womens day- the power of Women is endless empowering a girl child to become a powerful women would be a true tribute we would be paying her on Womens day
April 7th: there are almost 75 million malnourished children around the world, 75 % are girls gender, discrimination against girl in immunization is associated with higher girl child mortality
On this world health day let the health of the girl child be our priority.
May 8th: Mothers day the girl child of today is tomorrows mother, to have good mothers we need to take care of every girl child today.
June 12th world day against child labor. There are thousands of little girls working as bonded labor who need your support. Now is the best time to act for the future of the girl child.
July 1st eliminate discrimination not the girl child.
August 1-7th breast feeding week- while breast feeding may not seem the right choice of every parent it is the best choice for every baby.
Lets ensure that every mother is empowered to give her child the best feeding.
September 24th - Daughters day: A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, the hope and promise of the future.
On this daughters day let every little girl feel special
October 5th Durga pooja -Within her is the power to create, nurture, transform, we all join together to worship her so why discriminate against girl child.
Eliminate Discrimination, not the girl child.
November 14th – Children's day- there is no duty more important than ensuring that her safety and rights are respected. On this children’s day let us work together to nurture future of the girl child.

She has the right to live!
She has the rights to equality!
She has the right to education!
She has the right to good health!
On this human rights day let us promise her all rights!
Let's Make Everyday a Day of the Girl Child